Suspended Computer Repair

Hi, We Are TechiTeens!

The Premier Computer Repair Company

The Days of over complicated, Less than Satisfactory, over Priced Computer Help Are Over


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Loaner Laptop

TechiTeens Computer Repair has a limited number of loaner laptops available as a courtesy to current students, faculty, and staff whose computers are currently in for service and meet the eligibility requirements outlined below. This service is free, but fees will be assessed for lost, stolen, damaged, or overdue laptops. Both Windows and Apple laptops are available.

Loaner Laptops are loaded with the latest versions of the respective operating systems, web browsers, Anti-virus software, Microsoft Office suite as well as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Loaner laptops are available to active Albany students, faculty, and staff who bring their computers in for service, providing:
          •The computer receiving service was purchased from the Albany Computer Store.
          •The computer is receiving service for a warranty repair.
          •Initial hardware diagnosis by TechiTeens technicians indicates that the computer receiving serviced requires a lengthy turn-around time due to           hardware replacement.
          •The borrower presents a valid Suny Albany ID card and a credit card upon receipt of a loaner laptop.
          •The borrower reads and signs the TechiTeens Loaner Laptop Use and Liability Form (DOWNLOAD) and the User Agreement Form (DOWNLOAD)

          •Loaner computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not accept reservations. TechiTeens Computer Repair Service staff must diagnose the problem to determine if the customer is eligible to receive a loaner laptop. The client will be notified of this determination within one business day.

Loaner computers are available to:
          •Albany faculty and staff year round           
           •Albany students during the Fall and Spring Semesters

Liability of Borrower:
          •The borrower assumes all responsibility for the laptop and any associated accessories, and is required to fill out and sign a Computer Repair Service Loaner Laptop Use and Liability Form and Computer Repair Service Loaner Laptop Form. Borrowers agree to adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy (Listed in the loan agreement) and shall not install software, change configurations, or alter systems hardware/software. All files or programs saved on the laptop will be deleted upon return; the borrower is responsible for saving all files to a removable storage device. This loaner service is not responsible for damage to the borrowers' data storage device(s), loss of data caused by hardware or battery failure, or files saved to the laptop hard drive.

Loaner Program Contacts:

TechiTeens Computer Repair
Call / Text: (917)512-1273

          • TechiTeens Laptop Loaner User Agreement (DOWNLOAD HERE)
          • TechiTeens Laptop Loander Use and Liability Form (DOWNLOAD HERE)
           NOTE: Both Forms Must Be Filed For A Loaner To Be Issued.