How is technology used in trials and the legal system in general?

Question by Emily N: How is technology used in trials and the legal system in general?
As we enter the information age, technology has seeped into the legal system. What are specific ways that technology is used in trials and by lawyers? Specifically, how have these technological improvements changed the way that trials are conducted? Serious answers only please, preferably from someone with a legal job…….

Best answer:

Answer by Billy Bob
Able to provide live feeds..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 responses to “How is technology used in trials and the legal system in general?”

  1. One of the most used is the ability to track cell phone calls and pinpoint the exact location of the tower and time that the calls were made, alibis are destroyed all the time by people using cell phones. Technology in the form of forensics have revolutionized murder as well as other investigations, along with position locator’s in vehicles.}{

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