What kind of technology do you think will exist in the future?

Question by TheCuriousOne: What kind of technology do you think will exist in the future?
What kind of technology or do you have any ideas of anything you think will exist in the future?

If so, what can conflict it?

Best answer:

Answer by Chandramohan P.R

What do you think? Answer below!

2 responses to “What kind of technology do you think will exist in the future?”

  1. No one can no for sure. You we can make all kinds of predictions but we will never hit the bull’s eye. Did people in the 1800’s or before predict airplanes? Did people also predict that computers and the internet would have such a huge influence in our life? Did people ever expect such technology as the TV and telephone and the drastic impact it would have on our lifestyles? ‘

    No one expected these technologies to arise and have such a large impact.

    Predictions about the future are based on what we have now, so its hard to know for sure what it will bring us.

    Some ideas:
    -Computers will control most things, and robots will become more common
    -Space travel will be cheaper and more frequent
    -New forms of leisure and entertainment we havent dreamed of yet

  2. I think in the future, there will be futuristic technology! Maybe we’ll be downloading movies into our brain or hyperbaric sleep chambers that remove wrinkles? Potato chips with inbuilt voice activated flavour changers? Robot DJs who breakdance due to a manufacturing error? An operating system that doesn’t make people angry?!!

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